November 2, 2011

Planes and cupcakes

This week is B's first official week of interviews and we are starting him off with a bang!

  He has three interviews in a row and all in different cities.  He just finished one today in Kansas,  is now on the plane to interview in Washington D.C.  and then will be back in Galveston for another interview on Friday.  Thankfully next week there are only two. I am getting exhausted just booking his flights and planning the trips, I can't imagine how he can do it. But he will. He is superman.

So far, we have booked about 17 interviews during the next three months and of course, they are all in different cities.  Man I hope we get to take an incredible trip on all of these miles we are building up!
At least he had a great energizer weekend before this trip bow hunting with one of his best buddies.  

So what do I get to do while he is gone? Clean his deer meat.

And also bake some pumpkin spice cupcakes for the office :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness gracious. i want to eat those ..... right now. and i need the recipe!
