I apologize for neglecting this blog for 6 whole weeks. I know that you simply cannot do that in blogger world, but I hope my excuses win you over and get you back on the train. To catch up a little, I will try and only share the main highlights from our last 6 weeks.
New York
B had several interviews in NYC the week before Christmas so of course I went along! We had a great time with friends and seeing the city all dressed up for the holidays.
The front of Roosevelt Hospital on the West side. B really liked this program and the housing perks are pretty great!
We spent some time at some of the holiday markets which turned out to be the perfect place to pick up last minute gifts. B was a trooper walking past every booth with me and I think he secretly enjoyed it too :)
successfully celebrated B's birthday on the actual day which falls on
Christmas Eve and always poses challenges with family plans.
We are so thankful that both of our families get along well and B's parents and aunt came down to celebrate Christmas with my family. Everything went very well and it was great to spend the day with both families.

Some of the gifts I made for coworkers with cookie bar treats
New Year's
We continued our tradition of spending New Year's weekend with B's two best friends from college and their wives and went to a ranch out in West Texas.
while the girls had a great time talking about life, enjoying God's beautiful country, cooking for the gang and recharging our batteries for the new year
There are still many more updates and some exciting news to share that I will post later this week but I will leave you with this cute little guy for now.
"There are still many more updates and some exciting news to share that I will post later this week..."
ReplyDeleteNicole! What is your exciting news?!? We're seriously dying to find out!