April 29, 2012

On to Europe

It's hard to believe that B's four weeks in Africa are over already... and on a sad note I realized that I have not posted anything in the past month.   

In a short summary of his trip he went on a couple of safaris, climbed Mt. Kenya, delivered babies, did lots of interesting surgeries, played soccer almost every day with the locals and went to a few neighborhood parties.  To be honest, this is sadly all that I really know about his trip so far. I have yet to see any pictures or hear many details because our short conversations are always taken up with business items that have to be discussed.  

GIven that work has been a madhouse during the past month and that I've been working until midnight every day, I am happy that I crossed several things off of the to do list including find a house, send all of his medical license applications, book our trip to Italy and France etc.

He is now in Berlin and then going to meet some of his buddies in Amsterdam in a few days before they go to Switzerland and Spain. 

Oh what I would give to be with him right now.  

In the meantime, I got a call while driving back from a wedding today that my dad was rushed to the hospital. It is an interesting experience being a patient and on the other side while in a hospital rather than being here for work.

Here is daddy rocking his Horns. He is doing OK and they are just monitoring him now, but he will be much happier when he gets some food :) Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support and for coming by in the last few hours!

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